Hotel Helada

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

General terms and conditions of hotel Helada

Consumer protection:
Prior to the conclusion of the accommodation contract, we are herewith providing you with all the mandatory information pursuant to provisions § 1811 and § 1820 of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “Civil Code”).

Hotel Helada, as the accommodation provider, is providing the accommodated guests with the following pieces of information:

  1. Accommodation provider´s identity and contact data:
    SYSCO s.r.o. – Hotel Helada,
    IČO: 62966987,
    based at: Dukelská 1416,
    293 01, Mladá Boleslav,
    DIČ CZ 62966987,
    a company entered in the Companies Register held with Prague, section C, file 43891,
    electronic mail address:,
    telephone number: +420 602 372 148;
  2. accommodation provider´s main subject of enterprise: rendition of accommodation services;
  3. specification of the services: the accommodation provider arranges for accommodation and for services related to accommodation on behalf of the accommodated guests subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in a written accommodation contract;
  4. price of the provided service: the total price of the services rendered is stated in price list. This price includes any and all additional taxes and charges;
  5. method of payment and method of performance: the accommodated guest shall provide all payments agreed in the accommodation contract in cash or through a noncash transaction crediting the accommodation provider´s bank account whose number and variable symbol will be communicated to the accommodated guest by the accommodation provider in writing;
  6. cost of remote communication: the costs associated with any means of remote communication shall be determined by the entities providing services employing such remote communication means and these costs shall not differ from their standard rates;
  7. data concerning the existence, methods and conditions governing out-of-court settlements of consumer complaints, inclusive of the information on whether it is possible to seek assistance from a supervisory body.
    The accommodated guest shall have the right to file a motion for out-of-court settlement of the dispute with the designated entity in charge of out-of-court consumer dispute settlements, which is:
    The Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA)
    Central Inspectorate – ADR Department
    Štěpánská 15
    120 00 Praha 2

    The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is a supervisory body monitoring consumer protection, acting in pursuance of Act No. 64/1986 Coll., The Czech Trade Inspection Authority Act as amended, and additional legal regulations. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority´s website is

  8. In conformity with the provision § 1837 item j) of Civil Code, no right of withdrawal from the accommodation contract shall arise for the accommodated persons as consumers as long as the accommodation facility provides the contractual performances within the designated deadlines.
  9. Identification of the European Union member state or member states whose legal regulations will be governing the relationship between the accommodated guest and the accommodation provider which has been established through the accommodation contract: Czech Republic.
  10. Information concerning the language to be used by the accommodated guest in negotiating with the accommodation provider along the contract duration and in which the contract terms and conditions and additional data will be communicated to the accommodated guests: Czech language.